Thursday, September 20, 2012


It's been a few days hasn't it? Well, Dogscape is as it's always been. A writhing, screaming mass of dog. And this fruit I'm about to eat says hi too...

Well, now it yelped. And now I'm chewing... tangy.

Anyways, it's getting much harder to find hide nor hair of houses around here... I think I'm entering what was once farmland. It's just tall rows of Doggrass, followed by narrow strips of Dogtrees and then the occasional half-assimilated farmhouse.

I'm enjoying myself. For one, since Reptilx, I haven't seen any other BME's besides the Dogscape itself. Which is good. Secondly, I met a couple of survivors today... well... they were more than happy to meet me. With guns. And a baseball bat. And one had a battleaxe. ...where the fuck did he get a battleaxe?

Thankfully I found a shotgun about a day ago.

It only had six shells with it, but they had enough weapons and ammo that I don't have to worry about running out for at least 5 to 6 days.

I found another farmhouse. Had more barbarians. They were sleeping though. All male. All very dead now. More ammo for me.

The barking has become nothing but background noise again. I barely even notice it now.

But I still remember Terri. How she sacrificed herself. How she looked. Who she was. I'm not going to forget her. I'm doing this for her.

...I'm going to eat, get back up, and start walking.

And I'm not going to stop until I hit Oasis.

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